“Aegis – The Wounded Armor” is a solo project that follows the journey of a war hero ‘Aegis’ who suffers with a unique Impulse Control Disorder. ICD challenges are portrayed in a fantastical manner following the materialism approach in which his disorder is not showcased using realism but given a materialistic form. The game carries a strong narrative with a start, a middle and an end with a twist.
As the sole designer of the game, I was responsible for crafting the overall game concept, developing the narrative, and designing the levels on paper. With a focus on portraying the impact of impulsive behavior, I aimed to create a captivating and immersive experience for players. To bring the game to life, I utilized Arcweave to develop a prototype for a single level, allowing me to visualize and test the gameplay mechanics and interactions. This project allowed me to showcase my skills in conceptualizing and designing games with a strong narrative foundation, while also addressing important mental health themes. Through “Aegis – The Wounded Armor,” I aimed to engage players and raise awareness about Impulse Control Disorder in a unique and compelling manner.